first version @ Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam

The Scarcity dinner is a controversial concept for large groups. Perfectly suitable for network events of artists, businessmen, pirates or managers. A dynamic whole in which you will get to know yourself and others in ways you never imagined.

The social role of eating food together and sharing it with friends or strangers is often to bring people together. However, our survival depends upon eating enough of it. What happens when you purposely mix these two behaviours together in one setting?

With the Scarcity Dinners, we prepare a variety of dishes based on traditional Dutch cooking (yes, it exists) in times of past en present scarcity. However, we do not make enough of it for everyone. We warn our guests in advance that if they want to eat enough, they will have to find a way how to do that. (Suprisingly enough, if you eat very little over the run of an evening, you will not have room for desert, but hey, why tell people in the beginning?)

Each course suggest a different technique. To share, to steal, to improvise, to trick the servants, to keep for yourself, to exchange and to harvest are a few of the possibilities.

The Scarcity dinner is also available as lunch. Inform yourself about the possibilities and/or book us through;

photos by Erne Thuyse